
This web site is not intended to annoy anyone. Our position is that in the present era, it is more important than ever to carefully examine government statements and actions before forming an opinion about what they say and do.

This is why we write and share. Not to annoy bicycle aficionados or well-intentioned ecologists, but to foster awareness among those most affected by today's increasingly unusual public policies.

We believe that independent research and free dialogues serve everyone's interests better than unquestioning acceptance of what we are told.

If you have visited this web site because you were given a freestreets flyer, please know it was with your best interests in mind.


We may want to believe that local governments are working for our benefit, but we should not ignore evidence to the contrary.

So-called 'Complete Streets' modifications of our thoroughfares materially interfere with our right to free travel while causing significant harm to local businesses and by extension, their suppliers and their employees.

These negative impacts have occurred when Complete Streets changes were installed in commericial districts. They are known effects. As such they cannot be regarded as accidental or unintentional by city planners and transit 'authorities'.

In public meetings city councils, county supervisors, and transportation agencies disregard or gloss over the damage to our daily activities and local economies.

We advise everyone to examine how and why Plan Bay Area and the Complete Streets agendas came into being, and the true long-term goals.

To this end former State of California employee Rosa Koire wrote the definitive account of today's controversial public policies:

Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 (183 pages)

You can download the PDF version of her book from the link above.

In a few sittings it will help you understand why public office holders are determined to completely change our society.